Erasmus winced as the gargoyle flew away from him, openly disregarding his attempts to draw it in before and had crashed into Maher, seemingly injuring it somewhat. He realised he couldn’t sit back against the creature, it was far more cunning than he’d thought and hoped it’d be. Alexander called out from him to protect him from the creature, but he noticed with a cautious glance that he was attempting to throw enchantments on the bullets he was firing. “I’ve got that, just keep those bullets firing in. Hopefully we can draw it into attacking us.” He hefted his shield on his shoulder again and rolled his sword in his hand; the thought of going all-out attack against the gargoyle but that would seem like a foolish idea given what it’d done to Maher. It was proving a fearsome adversary and no-one had managed to have any real luck managing to injure the creature; even his anti-magic field which hadn’t been stopped before was proving to be useless. He’d now noticed they had a new member of their group; a foul demon which despite its unearthly origins seemed to be trying to help them. The worm of doubt worked its way into his head about what the demon would do if he turned his back but if they were to bring this creature down, everyone would be needed. However once, if, they brought this gargoyle down then the demon may find himself facing a new set of enemies.