At least his support was helping Kirijo a little; Youhei wasn't sure he could even walk right now and for the first time since the fight with Stega, began to take the possibility of his own death quite seriously. It was clear that the cavalry was not coming and the two of them would have to complete this mission alone... A deeply weary sigh escaped him as Youhei thought about things could have been, if the former members of SEES hadn't left them; three proven fighters, three extra pairs of eyes and of course, three friends. Nothing new there of course... every fucker left in the end, one way or another. A sudden flash of heat and light brought him back to the present with a guilty flinch and Youhei was puzzled to see Ares gone, replaced with a... floating pumpkin witch. [i]Wtf..?[/i] Pyro Jack, as the apparition was apparently called, did quite an admirable job of manipulating the flames directed at it's master and it's response had quite a kick to it too. Only two more Shadows remained; touch wood, even in his injured state Youhei should be able to take one. He concentrated, envisioning a looping path around the Shadow which Inugami quickly moved to follow; the Persona's seemingly random movements held the blob in a confused daze long enough for Inugami to slip behind. The Shadow died amid slashing claws and snapping jaws, the last one in the train car. To his confusion, Youhei saw something fall to the floor by the late Shadow's... feet? As Inugami retrieved the mystery item, Kirijo sat down heavily, clearly exhausted. Youhei was about to enter a witty comment about how the SEES leader had looked more scared on the phone earlier than when fighting Shadows, but Kirijo quickly jumped back up to finish his prey, leaving Youhei to examine the phial his Persona brought him. Despite his inability to read kanji, he was able to partly decipher the name of the potion; Muscle Drink... A stupid compulsion took him, the sort of thing parents try to beat out of toddlers who have just drunk from the vinegar bottle. He downed it, treating the foul-tasting liquid like a triple Jager. Somehow he had managed to pull himself upright by the time Kirijo checked on him. [b]'Yeah. I feel... good, strangely good.'[/b] Youhei barely even registered the business-like tone, so confused was he by the lack of pain. One arm still felt weak and blood flowed from a dozen minor wounds, but he felt [i]fantastic.[/i] He briefly entertained the notion that the Muscle Drink was some form of occult narcotic, but decided not to look a gift horse in the mouth; he was functional now, which was what Kirijo needed. [b]'Just you and me, eh... So long as it's not like the roof or Tartarus, I'm sure we'll be fine... hopefully.'[/b] As the two of them set off, the engines started up and the train started to move. [b]'Oh for the love of...'[/b] Youhei opened his comms once more, sending an update to the others. [b]'To any SEES members, the train is, uh... moving. I don't think you'll be able to help us anymore, so.... um. Wish us luck.'[/b] After a moment's thought he spoke again, this time in English; there should be a communicator somewhere in the dorm common room, hopefully their new American recruit would hear him. [b]'And Leo, if you're hearing this go to my room; there's a pistol on my table. Take it and go with Ikeda, she'll look after you. Do whatever she does, you hear me?'[/b] He didn't expect a response and charged forward with Kirijo, battering aside any Shadow that got too close. The two of them finally broke through into the front car, unsure of what to expect. The Shadow before them gave them both pause; a masked, emaciated woman in a... somewhat suggestive position... Youhei might have been somewhat intrigued had it not suddenly blasted Kirijo to the floor next to him. [b]'Shiiiiiiit!'[/b] Inugami swung around to block Ares and it's master off from further attacks, fairly safe in it's ability to resist electricity, and Youhei set his stance. When he had a good two-handed grip on his hammer, Youhei charged, barely ducking under a swiping arm to deliver a heavy blow to the Shadow's kneecap.