It seemed that despite Akira's efforts to haul ass to the train station had been for naught, and her eyes widened as she pressed her finger against the earpiece before listening. She could hear Youhei loud and clear now, but it was becoming distorted with every word he spoke. So, the train was now moving? How the hell was she supposed to help them now? The auburn haired girl tried her best to stifle the despair washing over her, and she tightened her grip on Shirogane's wrist as frustration began to ebb at the edge of her mind. "They're gonna be okay..." she began to choke out before attempting to clear her throat. "They have to..." She then looked back to Shirogane, her eyes watering as she struggled to hold back her tears. Guilt began to flood her mind as well, and she couldn't help the tightness in her chest as she berated herself. If only she'd left earlier, if only she didn't forget where she hid her evoker. Akira was slowly beginning to crack as the reality of the situation began to slam into her system. "I...I'm scared, Shiro. W...what if..?" she trailed off before looking away, noting that the train station was within sight. Her grip on Shirogane's wrist loosened, and instead she was now gripping his hand. Of course, she was too distracted to notice and instead her mind was muddled with anxious thoughts of what could happen. She had no idea if her companions, the new ones to be exact, had followed, but she couldn't find it in her heart to care. The only ones she could focus on now was the boy beside her, and the two on the train now fighting for their lives.