Name:Slade Wilson Nickname:Deathstroke Age: 30s Gender:M Weapons/Gear: Promenthium sowrd, Energy lance, several guns(four pistols, two shotguns and a sniper) a borad sword, and katana. Flash bomb. He also has steel, and prmoenthium armor. Abilities: can use 90% of his brain, enhanced relfexes, even able out-react some of the fastest beings, can run at 30mph, enhanced stanima, enhanced stength can twist steel, and break down airplane doors, ehances senses, enhanced durability/ healing factor, once impaled through the chest but didnt kill him, omly slowed him down and caused great pain. Excellent combat skill, even beat batman in combat. Boxing, Karate, Ninjitsu, and Jujitsue are his best Species: superhuman Appearance(s):[URL=][IMG][/IMG][/URL] From:DC universe Backup: (does your character have a squad or some friends that support him? Godlike characters will not have backup) [URL=][IMG][/IMG][/URL]Rose Wilson:(Daughter) [IMG][/IMG]Jericho Wilson(son) and [URL=][IMG][/IMG][/URL]Cassandra Cain(ally) Other: