He coughed up black blood. "Your sisters a bitch." Jack Frost got up on his feet and started stretching, "and you guys suck for leaving me stranded in here." There were strands of black aura emitting off of Jack. He's eyes looked tired, but he didn't seem to show it. "Let's go back to Pitch, I'm obligated to kick his ass for letting this happen to me." Jack cracked his neck, as well as his back while stretching. Anna was more curious then afraid. "Not without Elsa." Anna said firmly, "you found her didn't you?" Jack glared at Anna, like the word Elsa was a bitter word. "Yeah, I found that whore." Jack said distastefully, "Trust me though, she's better off here." Jack pointed his thumb over his shoulder. Behind him, Elsa walked towards them with black hair and glowing eyes. [img=http://fc02.deviantart.net/fs71/f/2014/057/a/d/elsa_the_nightmare_queen_by_payton01-d785bco.jpg] "What the hell did you call me?" Elsa said to Jack. She smacked Jack in the back of the head. Jack snarled, "only the truth..." "Elsa" Anna said, "Is that really you?" Never had Anna seen Elsa so abusive. Sure, she always isolated herself from everyone, but she was never bitter towards anyone. Elsa smiled, "Of course it's me Anna." Elsa walked over to Anna and stroked her blackening hair, "Who else could I be?" Elsa's eye began to glow, black veins grew out of her skin began engulfing itself into Anna.