Kristoff saw enough. He saw Anna frozen in ice, and he saw Jack laughing in the darkness. Kristoff followed Fredrick's advice and headed out the cave. Outside the cave, tigers and bears stood waiting. This was Kristoffs power, he could communicate with animals. The animals stood there, ready to ensure the children's safety. Any monster that would come out from the cave, would be mauled by the animals. "Let's head back to school, we need to speak with Pitch." XXX Pitch spoke to vice principal Gothel in the clinic. "It's contagious isn't it?" Gothel asked. Pitch nodded. "I didn't want to instigate panic," Pitch said calmly. Gothel laughed, "right, I'm sure it had nothing to do with what happened last year." Grothel headed out the clinic. "I'll begin quarantine protocol."