"Funny to say the least. Regret is something that I have no relation towards..." B. Battler said with a dismissive wave. It was...sorta true. B. Battler never felt regret when having to murder his own family again and again in countless gameboards, and actually, he felt enjoyment every time he spilled the blood of his relatives. This other person, just plainly called The Doctor, something about this man was interesting. It wasn't so clear to him, but B. Battler felt like this Doctor could be similar to someone. Their mission is what got B. Battler's attention. All he had to do was...let a massacre start and continue naturally. Now this was starting to sound appealing. No, it was more than perfect, he could get to see all of the blood and agony thrown around, it was like the Rokkenjima Island murders but maybe even larger than that. "Sounds like a...wonderful mission..." B. Battler commented about the mission that was given, a slight but dark smile on his face grew.