[img]http://fc06.deviantart.net/fs70/f/2011/356/7/9/tf__fall_of_cybertron_megatron_by_sake806-d4jwxuz.jpg[/img] [img]http://www.tfw2005.com/boards/attachments/transformers-video-game-discussion/27261489d1318784419-just-got-game-informer-fall-cybertron-article-megatron02.jpg[/img] Name: Megatron Age: Unkown Gender: Male personality Weapons/Gear: [hider=Riot Cannon] [img=http://tfwiki.net/mediawiki/images2/1/12/FOC_Riot_Cannon.jpg] Damage: 6 Range: 8 Accuracy: 7 Rate of Fire: 5 ---- It's not often a weapon comes along that will make Megatron consider trading in his fusion cannon, but the Riot Cannon is that weapon. Essentially a modified fusion cannon, it fires off high-speed rockets than can really put a crimp in someone's day. With the right upgrades, the last rocket in every clip packs an extra surprise, containing 5 times the explosive power of ordinary rounds. [/hider] - Energon mace Abilities: - Drain: takes energon from nearby him and adds it to his health - Dark Energon - an opposite form of Energon that dominates and destroys everything it interacts with, corrupting everything. Extremely hazardous to most life. Species: Cybertronian From: Transformers Fall of Cybertron Backup: Various random Decepticon drones Other: The awesomely powerful Megatron is, in many ways, a fallen hero. He rose up from the oppressed lower working castes of Kaon to become a champion in the region's illegal deathmatches, cast aside his designation of D-16 and took the legendary name Megatronus[1] as his own. He called for an end to Cybertron's decrepit caste system and told the downtrodden that freedom of self-determination was the right of all sentient beings! But absolute power corrupts absolutely, and Megatron's Decepticon revolution, like many such movements, ended up becoming a whole new tyranny. Powerful, charismatic, violent, and full of rage for any who would stand in the way of his ambition and drive, Megatron brought Cybertron past the brink of destruction. Now he and his former brother-in-arms Optimus Prime fight on other worlds. Megatron will never forgive Optimus for "betraying" him, stealing from the Council the rank of Prime which was rightfully his. He has reserved for his old friend the greatest honor possible: glorious death at his hands.