[quote=Kael Taiyou] ((Just one is lame, i'll make it two.)) Fate was wide eyed with the sudden glomp, but didn't mind it, she actually returned the hug with her free arm, Lerafa was looking very uncomfortable, the only person that ever hugged him was his dead mother, he wasn't used to hugs anymore, he would have avoided this one, but decided against it. [/quote] (Aaaalrighty then. :{P) Once finished with giving them a hug, she jumped back and pointed a finger towards the two absent-mindedly. Giving the two a toothy grin, she began to bombard them with various questions. "How did you two become friends? Where do you guys come from? Is it nice where you are from? What are your weapons and abilities? Do you like hunting? Are you guys ready for our mission? Do you know what sloths sound like??"