The bandit nodded his head in agreement with the rather frightful mage "Y-You got it buddy, we wont be around anymore." With that he started to scramble to his feet and started to back up away from him. "Not with whackos like you and that old guy around." With that the bandit and his gang ran off to pack up their camp. A clean get away sure but he could not have been expected to arrest all of them alone. The driver of the wagon stepped out, having come too from his rather daze filled sleep. "Uhhh... Good job dealing with those guys kid." Seemed like he had been awake for a while, so he overheard a rather good amount of the talk. "So... That old guy wasn't with you eh? He said he was, and had your mark but I guess you did do the job.. Uhh, would ya mind waiting for the payment? Kind of need it for getting another wagon out here." --- Beatrix yawned and looked rather bored while he listed off what sounded like something someone would say at a job interview, typical really. However when he stated he was also in it for the fun, a truly honest answer, "Ah I see, for the fun huh?" That was the only thing she picked out of the entire thing. "Well then... Where do you want your guild seal?" IT was enough through. do-gooders were never her thing, not that she was a bad person but they never seemed real. She was after humans in this place, not angels. --- Before Kaldis could make it across the chain the two big mob players had already vanished, however there was one mob boss still ordering his men around from the back lines. In his hand a magical shotgun that he was firing ineffectively at Orin. IT was safe to assume that this guy was the boss of the gang that had taken over this entire town at one point and was the one Orin intended to take out. After all punks like this wouldn't fight without a leader. Looking at the skateboarding mage the boss was more than a little shocked. "What the?!" HE raised his gun to trie and blast him off his board, but in his panic he was firing wildly.