Ryan returned to his own quarters, being sure to pack everything he would need. This simply included daily supplies and his sword, considering he used light as his armor. He walked outside after retrieving the necessary items, got on his horse, and rode towards the gate, following the carriage that was bringing Koat to the forward camp. As they arrived, he got off of his horse, dropping to the ground below. He glanced to the night sky, expecting to wait until dawn, but suddenly hearing Koat say that they would be attacking soon." [i]That seems a bad move, but if that's the plan, perhaps it is best...[/i] He joined in the cheer to their kingdom, before listening to what Koat said about when they would attack. [i]Twenty minutes...?[/i] Ryan began preparations for the battle, walking around and suggesting that people put out any torches or lanterns they had with them to use on the battlefield. He figured that if they couldn't fight in the day, they could fight with at least some light. He put out his own lantern, putting it on his belt, and picked up an unlit torch. [i]May the light protect those only wishing to return to their families tonight, and guide those who fight for honor instead.[/i] He double-checked the belt for his sheathe before laying down, waiting for the call for the attack to begin.