The girl came back, and dragged the guy who was on the floor having a nervous breakdown out of the room. Leo rubbed the back of his head nervously for a second before shrugging his shoulders. Right at the moment, a familiar voice rang out. The voice belonged to Youhei, and it was coming from an electronic device that looked like a cell phone. He told them to go to his room and take the pistol that was there, and go after everyone else. Leo couldn't exactly respond to that, so he nodded, grabbed the device, and went upstairs. He went into the only room with the door that was slightly ajar. The boy went in, and sure enough, there was a pistol on the table. Without hesitation, Leo grabbed it, and took off. After quite a bit of running, Leo finally managed to catch up with the others. They were at what appeared to be some sort of empty train station. "Hey guys! Guys! Guess what?! I've got one of those gun things too!" He exclaimed swinging the pistol around for all to see. He then thought about how Taka had used this thing earlier. Leo took a deep breath, shut his eyes, and pointed the gun to his temple. Even though he knew this wouldn't hurt him, it wasn't loaded anyway, it was still a nerve-racking experience pointing a gun to your own hand, and pull the trigger. His hand shivered as he pulled the trigger. There was a loud bang sound, and a bright flash of light. Once Leo opened his eyes, there was now a firey bird of prey hovering in front of him. Leo's eyes widened excitedly, and a huge grin formed on his face. "AWSOME!" He shouted while clapping his hands. "Looks like I'm one of you guys now."