Light was surprised as this bombshell of a reveal was laid on him. Light cleared his throat, speaking up after a moment of silence. "Then, it is good I decided to act on getting to know who you were sooner then later. However, you are aware how much time that will take, yes? it has been stated in various faiths and such that the entire collective of what was the The Multiverse, or anything beyond that I cannot fathom as of now stems from this one being that existed..or was simply there. I am sure it is just like your name, I cannot wrap my head around it. If said being lays dormant, this "Kami", it could be hundreds of thousands of years before it wakes up. In the mean time, let's talk about "you". You said you heard that I was traveling to other worlds. How is this possible? I was in the Shinigami realm when I explained this plan, it's different from Earth. Tell me, what place do you come from where you can hear such things? and, these "people" who told you. Are they other omnipotent beings? how many are aware of me? and if so, how often do these people speak of me?" Light asked.