The entire building shook, and had it been night time one looking in from outside would have seen the lights flicker and die. With a sound like a rushing waterfall electricity was being drained at incredibly rates by the Fireen, now standing with his injured arm low, inside the skyscraper. His power level sky rocketed, despite his significant injuries, and destroyed flesh either regrew or was sealed off with pure blue energy. He spat, and found the General’s own life force in the hazy blue world he saw in the throes of Unbridled Fury. There was no hesitation, not even a moment to consider how badly he had been injured thus far, he just flew directly towards the hero. Ploughing through rock and steel with energy, he blasted out into the open air and shot directly through the walls of a bank, his fist rising and falling with huge martial might directly towards the stricken hero. General Freedom had been thrown clear, but injured, after their first encounter. After rocketing through an empty bus he had ended up thrown through the vault of a bank, where he lay amongst the sound of screeching alarms and singed money. He raised his arms, still dazed, as the Fireen’s fist slammed into his guard, but he had no way of knowing just how much Fury’s strength had increased. With the extra force of his martial might imbued with energy, along-side his physical strength increasing by as much as ten times its original amount, the explosive eruption as the two warriors met was too much for the building. Fury slammed his fists repeatedly into the guard, smashing through to the fleshy hero beneath. Like some form of missile had erupted from inside the walls blew outwards, more desolation and a crater were all that was left as the smoke and dust cleared, revealing the Fireen breathing heavily over the fallen hero. “Stop, Fireen.” A voice called out. Fury turned from his act of delivering a final lethal blow and stared intently at the Nas’Gaduran. His body was badly injured, but he still held his pole-axe at the ready. “My brother is dead, if you kill him he died for nothing, and I swear you’ll pay.” He followed, trying to get through to the anger-mad warrior. “I’ve called in support, they’ll be pulling us out in half a minute.” Fury turned around, feeling his trophy had been taken from him, there was no describing his anger. Rubble simply burst away from him, leaving him floating in a small crater of his own, and he stared out at the only thing left worth killing. “Take him then.” Fury growled, and the Nas’Gaduran gingerly jogged over to check the vital signs of the fallen General Freedom, even as Fury stood there in the ruins of the bank, looking out at the panic on the streets and the giant bear some distance up ahead.