Name: Johnathon Wilson Alias: Lucky Number Age: appears to be 18 Gender: Male Abilities/Skills: Master swordsman, marksman, and fist fighter. Powers: Near Super-human strength, speed, reflex, and agility. A tongue sharp as any blade (Not literally, mind you.) Superhuman Durability Impressive regeneration factor, where he can regrow an arm in half an hour. If he is decapitated, he has until brain death (five minutes) to put it back on the right way. Near-impossible luck, where the universe seems to want him to live. Weaknesses: If his body is destroyed comepletely, he is gone. But this does not include making him a bloody pulp. Instant incineration or being atomized are good examples. His own insanity can sometimes be a weakness. Equipment: Twin ultra-alloy katanas that are sharp enough to slice stone and put little cuts in steel, and are nearly unbreakable. Two pistols, a Sub Machine Gun. Two small steel knives in sheaths on his left leg, along with a hunter's knife in a sheath just above his right boot. Personality: In combat, he is utterly insane and unpredictable in fighting style and tactics. But out of such stressful situations he is actual a good guy, if a little shy at times. He likes to try to make a joke of everything, even if he ends up making himself look like a fool. He is a very loyal friend though, even if he is slow to trust. But at times he can be a little bit creepy. History: Johnathon is the son of Slade Wilson, or Deathstroke and Mary Wilson, or formerly, Mary Winters. He was mostly raised by his mother, but the family was supported by Slade. He had a rather normal and good life. Went to school, had good grades. But at the age of ten, his mother told him who his father really was, because she had been telling him lies in fear her child may go looking for his father. But this revelation did the opposite of what Mary wanted it to do, it inspired him to become a mercenary and do just as well, or even better than, his father. He started training his body at the age of eleven, even though it was already fit. He trained to his strain point every day to get better. In fact one day when he was in high school, and the age of fourteen, the school bully, who had ignored him for a while, was harassing him. Johnathon finally snapped and threw the kid. No joke, picked him up and threw him. He was suspended from school, but he just dropped out. He even moved away from his mother, but still keeps contact with her through either phone or internet. His father got news of this, and payed him a visit after he got a new place. He did not approve of Johnathon leaving his mother or dropping out, but did not push him too much. He understood that John was more a loner, Slade was John's father after all. Johnathon did nothing but train, train, and take the occasional low end contract to get some cash. At the age of sixteen, he had ordered some weapons, and got two katanas from his father as a birthday present. Made of an alloy that was nearly unbreakable, and were sharp enough to cut stone. Another year and he has a costume, which he designed and made himself. A year later and that's where we start, which is where he gets a name for himself. Lucky Number. Appearance: [hider=Without Costume][img][/img][/hider] His outfit is a full body suit of a comfortable cloth. It is mostly blue, but with strips of green in the mix. The boots are a darker blue, and so are his gloves. His mask has two white spots for where his eyes are, and these are surrounded in green areas, which end at the middle of the face, and the edges of the face. On his chest there is a golden seven (In reference to Lucky Number Seven, the jackpot on slot machines.) Other: Hop this is not too much. I really spent some time on this.