Green; (Intermediate) Super Speed: Drag's muscly legs can carry him super fast, Usain Bolt can eat his dust in a foot race. Drag can run at almost ninety five miles per hour. (Intermediate) Flight: Drag has wings, these wings help him fly. They're hidden away underneath his hoodie and are really big, when spread out all the way he can lift up the weight of three humans in flight. He can fly at forty mph. After Beard Form: (Low) Speed: In beard form he cannot run faster than a normal human. With a top sprinting speed of twelve miles per hour. After Plasma Hilt: (High) Plasma Hilt: On his belt Drag carries the weapon that the Lightsaber wishes to be. The Plasma Hilt was actually stolen from his Robottic Clone after he fought him to the death, Drag's old battleaxe was destroyed in the fight but in the rubble he found the Plasma hilt. Engraved on it is the face of a small cat, for some reason his robot clone had the same cat engraving as his old axe. Which was, at the time, totally overlooked but it's now super weird. The hilt makes a force field in the shape of about five different weapons. A battleaxe, a greatsword, a whip, a spear, and a giant boxing glove. Then, once the forcefield is made, it fills it up with red hot plasma. The one that hurts people, not runs Tvs. It's about five thousand degrees to the touch and if Drag weren't a dragon it would kill him. The blade, because it's super hot, can cut through just about anything that melts below five thousand degrees. The edge is also razor sharp, can cut through flesh that is resistant to heat as easily as a well sharpened sword. The weapon can also reform in battle on the fly. It takes a button press but it changes almost instantly. The hilt runs cool to the touch but the heat that the weapon it creates radiates closely to his hand, as he is a half-dragon man with lava inside his belly he is completely immune to heat. The weapon forms almost immediately once it is turned on. (Low) Hammerspace Backpack: This bag has stuff that is super convenient, it doesn't have any weapons inside of it unless he puts them in there himself, but anytime he reaches into it he can pull any object out. Anything ranging from apples to entire zebras. It can only pull out what has been put in, it cannot pull out stuff that has not been put in. For convenience's sake it does not have any weapons, wild animals, and cannot have items that are larger than a volkswagen beetle.