THREE posts. Three. One moment while I bring up the .pdf file. [hider=Prepare your anus] TOTAL ANNIHILATION Cost: 65m Target: Area Every occult master knows about Ligier the Green Sun, the defining soul of the Demon Prince Malfeas.Ligier once had another name, however, when Malfeas was a Primordial instead of the demons’ home and prison. Circling her hands before her chest, the sorcerer closes her eyes and builds herself into a rage. As she whispers the lost, former name of Ligier, a vivid green spark erupts from her heart to collect her Essence into a roiling, fist-sized orb of emerald fire. The sorcerer flings the orb into the air and directs it with her will toward any target within 200 yards. The sphere constitutes a perfect attack unless opposed by magic-enhanced dodges or parries, in which case the sorcerer rolls (Dexterity + [Occult or Thrown]) to hit. If parried, the orb is not destroyed, but is deflected 1,000 yards away in a random direction—from then on, it can’t be steered. Attempting to parry the orb with a mundane weapon merely detonates it at once. [B]When the orb strikes, it explodes into a column of bright green light 50 yards wide and five miles high. It deals 50 levels of lethal damage to everything within that area. Then, for (Essence x 5) ticks, the column of emerald light sweeps outward at a rate of 10 yards per tick, inflicting another 25 levels of lethal damage per action to everyone caught within in it on that action.[/B] Creatures near the explosion can try to outrun the all-destroying glare—this had best include the caster herself, since she is not immune to its power. [B]Once the orb has exploded, the outpouring light cannot be parried and may only be dodged or soaked by means of perfect defenses. The devastation is complete: That which can burn, burns; that which can be broken, breaks. Behind it, the light leaves nothing but a scorched, cracked wasteland.[/B] In the thunder of the orb’s detonation and the crash and crackle of devastation, one might hear the awful, vengeful laughter of a defeated god, laughing that his conquerors now turn his power against Creation. Total Annihilation may be countered until the moment the sorcerer hurls the orb. After that, Adamant Countermagic can only parry it [/hider] [hider=Logistics] So... yeah. Now consider a Tank Shell against an unarmored target deals like... 25 Lethal Damage using this system. Now take into account that this spell IGNORES ARMOR... including that of a mech that can somehow tank nukes. Now imagine something that big... with no armor... being hit on every part of its body at the same time with tank shells. It's like a nuke... made of fucking MAGIC. It's going to end up being exactly what the spell is called. Total Annihilation. [/hider]