The train station. Any sense of purpose had left Shirogane a while ago, back at the dorms with that traumatic experience of having his own mind intruded upon. Now he was little more than deadweight to a very distraught Ikeda. [i]You're hurting me...[/i] For a moment his attention flickered to the real world when she held tight to his wrist, but trapped in his own world built out of fear and filled with resentment he couldn't understand what she must be feeling. Instead he just stood there silently, hanging his head. [quote=Lenaya]"I...I'm scared, Shiro. W...what if..?"[/quote] With his hand clasped in hers standing in the vacant train station, his heart barely skipped a beat, but he finally looked up from under his bangs. [i]She's just using me, right? Its not like it matters to her who's hand it is anyway...still....[/i] There was some urging barely starting to surface, almost like he wanted to resist her or start a fight. These feelings were encumbering and he felt like his life would be easier without them. [i]Still...[/i] So what if they were too late? So what if Yoro and Youhei were gone? People died. It had happened around him before. Shirogane had always been alone because of that, but so what if he was alone? Even if he did feel lonely, he had never wanted these feelings anyway and wishing couldn't bring the dead back to life. In fact, it was better to get lost in a dream. He had lived his life like that up until now, even tried to delude himself into thinking this whole business with SEES was nothing more than a bad dream or embrace the fact he was chosen for it--destiny one might say--and look how he'd wound up. [i]Even so, I don't want her to stop calling me like that.[/i] Shaking off her hand he let it go and embraced her instead. "Would you cut it out? You're making me depressed... And personally, I wouldn't want to see you cry either, because..." In that moment he didn't notice Leo run up until he started shouting, blocking out whatever he said next. Shirogane left Ikeda and turned to him instead. There was something to be said for living in a dream. It wasn't so bad. There were times when it could come in handy. Right now for instance. "Oi, quit showing off, brat." Something about Leo not speaking the language gave Shirogane enough confidence to ignore his own social awkwardness and completely disregard the usual formalities. "Ah, crap...evoker...evoker..." He'd forgotten it was strapped into its holster on his thigh with all the soul-searching he'd been doing up until this moment. He drew it once he realized his own stupidity. "You should take the backseat and let your senior's handle this properly. And you" pointing to Ikeda with a smug look on his face "People who get too close to me always lose something precious. Besides that I hate clingy women." He was in full Loveless mode as he pulled the trigger. Then, Nekomata appeared beside him, her eyes scanning the scene and a faint trace of annoyance coming across their mental link. Her tail flicked as she fixed a tired gaze on her master "Uhh, despite everything I just said...mind telling me where the enemy is exactly?"