[quote=LeeRoy] Alright, my reviews for Carmen, Tantalum's character. [/quote] I could write out a proper system for her shifting power cap, but it hasn't been necessary in the past. I'll get on it if you or another judge insists. 2 turns minimum for a full shapeshift sounds fine. Toxin Resistance has been tweaked, she'll now need to be focusing on nothing but that to lessen poison's effects. Per the rules, anything past the 4 clones will be considered Tier 0s. She can't control another equal-tiered clone. Her balance will be perfect within her physical limits - if her body can't counteract a force, her reflexes can't do much else to stop her falling. 6 posts in-combat for an Augmenter sounds more than reasonable, though I figured it would be kept as a non-combat ability anyway.