Not terribly far away from the scene sat an emptied out police vehicle, the entire car having taken a solid bit of damage from the whole scene, and one of the back doors only hanging on by a couple hinges. Out from it, pops a pair of yellow, tiny antlers, and then following it, a horribly attractive dragon-man abomination, cuffed and bewildered. After a minor misdemeanor and misunderstanding in language barriers, Drag was momentarily handcuffed and escorted to the backseat of two nice men's car. Though, the two men seems to have disappeared after some massive event occurred. He wasn't one to jump into action, and was napping pleasantly until the scene got a tad bit too noisy. Trying to not fall into the usual hero archetype of breaking handcuffs, Drag simply wiggled out of the shoddily crafted binds, and rubbed his wrists, staring out at the emptied out street, noting the large patches of blood without any bodies, and massive collateral damage. This seems like a generally terrible situation, until his eyes travel upon a massive, brown ball of fluff that he knew all too well. Holy shit, it was his good old friend, Sukoh the Bear! He seemed as happy as ever, ignoring the massive butt-wound. Currently, he couldn't use his incredibly convenient Hammerspace Backpack to assist his fluffy friend, (As police tend to confiscate these things when arresting people) so he greeted him with a friendly hug, and a "Raarourugh" which roughly translated into "Lobster-Folder". He could understand bear, not speak it. He did however notice his old pal's large flesh wound, and decides to use practical communication, pointing at it and giving the bear an inquisitive look as if to ask what had even happened at this whole scene.