The bear groaned in frustration as his backside felt like someone had taken a particularly large whip to him. Something was amiss, the sounds of battle had ended. His ears twitched about in search of distant crashes and grunts. Nothing, the only sounds were the talking of Fury and another man, someone new? Probably. This was a very populated world, maybe the people he had made move away were working with Fury. The sound of handcuffs clattering to the ground came from nearby him. Sukoh's head snapped around to find the source, and to his very pleasant surprise he spotted the sight of a green figure. His eyes widened and his little puffball tail wiggled a bit. "Rrag!" The bear was met with a quick hug from his old half-dragon friend, his ears were then assaulted with Drag's horribly incorrect animal-speak. Sukoh didn't bother correcting him at the time, because he knew what Drag meant. "Grarr, frrarr, fffuraarar." Concluded with a little head shake that he punctuated with a snuffle from his nostrils. Sukoh's response was that someone had harmed these people, two mystical people with great power. They killed the people with no reason but Sukoh did his thing, giving them purpose in death for the life taken from them. After that he pushed himself back up to his feet, giving his head another good shake and rose up onto his hind legs. The great beast looked out over the city and spotted the hole where Fury and Freedom had landed. Yep, the sounds of battle had stopped because Fury had won. This wasn't good, General Freedom seemed like a very strong individual, so Fury defeating him almost immediately after Sukoh got here was worrying. The bear dropped down onto all fours and looked down at Drag, growling out a couple words. "Nnnfrrarr, uurraru ara rrgghh. Nnrrraarra rraraugh." Which translates to: "The one in there with the blue glow is the evil one, he smells of death and burning air. Sukoh's nose hurts around him." "Rrag? Nnrrggh arrnnarr." Sukoh asked his old friend if he would be willing to help him fight the evil one.