The men took 7 minutes to grab their gear and ready for a battle. "Everyone ready?" Avantina asked. "Yes Sir" the soldiers replied. "Then lets go to the camp before nightfall we have a lot of work to do"said Avantina. Avantina has gotten a morph of a horse for a while now it was a White Stallion and so he morphed into the horse the men seem to be impresses by it as well when he used his power. "Everyone saddle up where leaving now." said Avantina. The men gotten onto their horses and moving out of the the castle and going through the city gates to the camp with Avantina leading in front. "The ride won't be long" thought Avantina. It was 2 mins to nightfall when Avantina arrived at the camp and he told his men " be ready for anything" and he left them and went to see Koat.