[b][center]Sarah's Request (Sarzu & Andrea Collab)[/center][/b] When he saw the foolish human cross the arcane symbol and stare at the mirror Naream was about to voice his disappointment with humans out loud but when she moved whatever he was about to say was irrelevant and he quickly closed his mouth. Instead he got a curious expression on his face and looked at the warrior woman with narrowed eyes, "Fascinating... I wonder..." The sentence was trailed off as it was clear they were not alone as the warrior shouted out, unnecessary really because he could hear the skittering of legs, it had been ages but he had grown up down here, among the Drow, he shared a glance with Andrea. "Orbben." He said, hissing through his teeth as the familiar sounds of skittering arachnids in the room beyond became clear. He ignored the human, both of them and turned to his wights pointing over the bridge and at the room with Eins. "Yutrquns, elgg l'orbben, sslig'ne l'waela rivvil." At once the wights turned and started marching over the bridge, brandishing the Dwarf loaned weaponry. Closing the distance to the room to walk through the doorway and slay the spiders as their master instructed them to do. The master in question meanwhile had opened his tome on a particular page, the title reading 'N'tranz'luin'. His hand reaching for a dagger that looked more ceremonial than practical at his waist, pulling it free to reveal it was stained with dried up blood. He hissed as he cut open a scarred line on his thumb, pressing the bloodied appendage on a mark on the page. Instead of leaving a stain of crimson the blood was absorbed, greedily and the mark started to glow, dim at first but brighter as more droplets of blood were consumed by the tome until finally he let go. Shaking his head and about to utter a summoning incantation when he felt the blade at his throat and stared at the furious eyes of a Drow female. * Great, she thought to herself, more trouble. Cursing silently under her breath she could hear the sound of spiders, their skittering legs and mandibles easily heard were both a blessing and a curse. Spiders... her goddess's sign, clearly this was a good sign, the presence of spiders meant that her goddess was still with her, at the same time these spiders would probably want them death and Llolth was known for being... greatly displeased with those who killed her arachnids, but she was not looking forward to be spider food either. With a growl she took a step back, perhaps the humans could kill the spiders while she and the necromancer could just sit back and wait. At least that is what she thought but then she heard the Drow male speak to his pet undead, he ordered them to kill the spiders!? She stared at the necromancer, her thoughts racing, he would kill aspects of their goddess!? Either he was a fool... or worse... a heretic. Her dagger was still in her hand as she approached the male, muttering some kind of incantation and doing something with that blasted tome of his. She pressed the metal of her blade against his flesh just as opened his eyes from whatever he was doing. <"You dare to lay a hand on spiders!? What kind of Drow are you! Heretic!"> She whispered, looking to make sure the human would not notice this exchange from the corner of her eye, making sure his back was still to them. Naream stared back at her and let out a mental sigh, so she was one of those spider worshiping bitches... he had hoped with the gods banished they would have died out by now. He kept eye contact, frantically trying to maintain his concentration on the spell he was about to unleash as well. <"The gods are banished Llolth bitch, your precious goddess is death along with all the others and I am the kind of Drow who likes to survive."> With a silent snarl she pressed the blade against his flesh, drawing a trickle of blood that dripped down his neck. <"Blasphemy... she is not dead you fool."> He didn't flinch, afraid she would cut his neck deeper and he glared at her, <"Banished then, same difference. I won't let that stop me from becoming spider bait and will kill them before they can kill me or you for that matter, so either cut my throat and throw me to spiders or let me finish!"> He said with a hiss, now enraged himself as he felt the energies of his spell building up and he either had to decide to cancel it, cast it, or have the energies continue building up and do something unpleasant to his internal organs. She stared at Naream for a moment longer before pulling her dagger away in one quick move, she was unhappy with the decision but she had no other option, she still needed the humans and this blasted heretic. She did not let him have the last word however. <"Be mindful of what you say about the goddess, I know more than you can possibly imagine, you foolish male."> <"Whatever"> He replied and after that ignored her, taking a step forward and then almost fell over, groaning as he went down on one knee and then with a shout let the words spew forth from his mouth in a rush, relieved that the energy he had build up to summon his next servant was not going to waste... or would blow him up. On the rock floor just upon entry of the chamber where the spider sounds were coming from the same mark he had bled upon appeared, only bigger and a portal opened for a second before it closed, leaving a sole occupant in the mark as it faded from view. At the same time one of the wights he had under his control stopped and collapsed into a pile of bones. Bones of all manner of creatures, bonded together with arcane energies, flesh and muscle tendons stood rigid and then the eyes glowed as the [url=http://fc04.deviantart.net/fs70/f/2010/276/9/c/boneshard_golem_by_hardcolico-d3018iq.jpg]golem[/url] became active. Still shuddering Naream wiped his nose, ignoring the blood that had come from his nostrils and glared at the construct. "Xuat fridj fre'sla gaer! Elgg l'orbben jal'yur!" He shouted in exaggeration and was relieved to see as the bone and flesh golem started to move to engage the arachnids. While he weakly went to sit down, breathing hard and deep, he wasn't going to sit still however as he crawled to the side and looked down, for some reason, perhaps the inherent paranoia of his species he decided to look for signs of spiders scuttling towards them from below, making sure to look to the ceiling as well after his observation of the pit below them.