When Shirogane shook off her hand after glaring up at her from behind his bangs, Akira couldn't help but feel like she'd done something wrong. Oh god, what if she offended him? It was way out of line to hold his hand, though she'd done it to have something to grab on. Everything around her seemed unreal, and at that moment Shiro was the only thing that she could reach out and touch, but here he was pulling away from her and she just-- Wait, what? Her face instantly flushed and her eyes widened as Shiro pulled her against him. Her heart started beating harder than before, and she felt like she couldn't breath. [i]Ohmygosh, ohgod he's hugging me, oh god oh godwhatdoido[/i]. The last time she'd had a boy hug her was...wow, she couldn't honestly remember. But as Shiro murmered awkwardly comforting words into her ear, she felt like she was going to melt from all the embarrassment she felt. She should...be happy? How did one act after such a random act--no, how did one act with this madness going on? Being hugged was nothing in comparison to the field of coffins they'd ran through, and here she was freaking out at the most normal thing of her night. The moment didn't last long as she heard the english boy come up on them, waving what looked like an evoker--no, it couldn't be an evoker-- over his head like it was some sort of toy. Whatever Shirogane was going to tell her had been deafened, but she couldn't find it in herself to be annoyed. However, she did focus a sharp glare at Shiro when he commented on "clingy women". "A-as if I should be afraid of you! I had to tug you along because I..I didn't want to go alone! And...and you promised!" she was becoming a stuttery mess as she suppressed the urge to punch her friend in the arm, and instead she stepped away before she placed her own evoker to her temple. After firing the trigger, she felt a soft rush of energy as Unicorn appeared in front of her, and in response the beast pawed at the ground with a snort. "Oh, stop acting so annoyed. I...just wanted to make sure you were rested, we had to do alot of work the last time you were with me." Unicorn gave another soft huff as he pushed his nose into her open palm, and with that he dissipated. After overhearing Shirogane's question to his own persona, Akira quipped, "Well, that's easy, they're on the train. The question is how far away they are...and...oh god, what if the train crashes?!" Another look of horror passed her face, and she finally took a moment to look upon the boy named Leo, who currently had some large bird above his head. "W..what?! where did he get that evoker? And a persona?! And..wha......?" Nope, no point in questioning anything that was going on this night. She just needed to focus on making sure everyone was ok and get everyone home safe.