Ah, so this little fellow belonged to a not-so-bad looking guy. She'd seen her fair share of menfolk, travelers or denizens, and she had to say he was one of the better looking ones she'd seen yet. [i]'He looks tired, and that's a pretty gun he has. Almost as pretty as his persona. Would be best not to find myself staring into the barrel of that thing.'[/i] She thought to herself before raising her hand in response to his greeting. "Evenin'." she responded easily, obviously sizing him up with her blue eyes. "You're in luck, stranger. I just so happen to be a trader. What exactly are you lookin' for?" Her attention turned back to the cute little fellow dancing around her head, though she wasn't reckless. She'd do good to keep this stranger in her sights. 

She could see in the small, almost unnoticeable movements, the small slouch, and the bags under his eyes that he was tired. Probably hungry too...damn, why'd she always have to be kind? After a small stretch and a quick glance of her surroundings, she deemed herself somewhat safe and then spoke. "Let me guess, you're aching for a meal. It just so happens.." She took a moment to fish out the can from the inner pouch of her backpack before closing it and slinging it back on."...that I have a can of chili I could spare, for a price. Depends on what you have to offer." [i]'Or whether or not you'll try to kill me for it.[/i] Hope he's not one of those kind.' Her own persona, Cerberus, growled in response. She could feel his need to break free of her mind, to make himself known and intimidate this man before her, but she resisted. Better to wait and see what happened.