[b][center]Name[/b][/center] [center]Orona Sal[/center] [b][center]Race[/b][/center] [center]Human[/center] [b][center]Gender[/b][/center] [center]Female[/center] [b][center]Age[/b][/center] [center]25[/center] [b][center]Faction[/b][/center] [center]New Republic[/center] [b][center]Current Rank[/b][/center] [center]Commander Part of the 4th Special Forces Regiment, 5th Special Forces Division, Third Battle Group[/center] [b][center]Current Position/Title[/b][/center] [center]Commander of the 1st Squadron of the 327th Fighter Wing[/center] [b][center]Physical Description[/b][/center] [Hider=Commander Orona Sal][Img=http://fc05.deviantart.net/fs70/i/2014/070/8/6/sw_rebel_pilot_redesign_by_http___kvlticon_deviant_by_baronneutron-d79sax5.jpg][/hider] [center]Commander Sal stands at 176 centimeters of height, weighing 65 kilograms. She keeps her body and mind fit by constant physical exercises and grueling simulations of previous battles. She keeps her brown, even hair in a medium to short length cut so that it does not interfere with the helmet worn by X-Wing pilots. Her also brown eyes are often described as " sharp and piercing ", the eyes of a predator on the prowl. [/center] [b][center]Equipment[/b][/center] [center][Url=http://starwars.wikia.com/wiki/Rebel_flight_suit]Rebel Flight Suit[/url] [Url=http://starwars.wikia.com/wiki/Flight_helmet]Flight Helmet[/url] [Url=http://starwars.wikia.com/wiki/DL-44_heavy_blaster_pistol]DL-44 Heavy Blaster[/url] [Url=http://starwars.wikia.com/wiki/F-187_fusioncutter]F-187 fusioncutter[/url] [Url=http://starwars.wikia.com/wiki/Bacta_patch]Two bacta patches[/url][/center] [b][center]Vehicle[/b][/center] [center][Url=http://starwars.wikia.com/wiki/T-65B_X-wing_starfighter]Incom Corporation T-65B X-Wing Starfighter[/url][/center] [center]Orona flies the B variant of the X-Wing star fighter, a slightly modified version when compared to the stock T-65 configuration. This model was one of the first series delivered to the fledgling Rebellion shortly after they obtained it from the Incom Corporation. Orona is flying the same X-Wing throughout her entire career, refusing the ground staff to correct the paint job on her craft. It´s battered appearance deceived quite a few TIE pilots during the later stages of her career. Standard to most X-Wings, she also has a companion [url=http://starwars.wikia.com/wiki/Astromech]astromech[/url] droid, A7-T2.[/center] [b][center]Personality and Traits[/b][/center] [center]Commander Orona Sal is a hard working and determined New Republic Officer. Unlike some of her peers, the continued and gruesome fighting did not destroy the human part of her personality, as she remained mostly the same person she was before joining the Rebellion. A talkative, friendly and outgoing person who is doing her very best to keep the morale of the ones around her at a high point. Orona is always willing to lend a helping hand, be it a tip, a trick or an actual flight - most pilots are free to approach her for help, and she is well liked for that. When flying a combat mission, Orana turns into a predator that her eyes are compared to. She is calm and focused, never allowing anything to interrupt her - she is mindful of the fact that one mistake or a slight hesitation can cost her her life, or she can lose a comrade in arms. Her flying style is an unpredictable combination of pre-existing maneuvers, more or less unorthodox. She is not afraid of experimenting behind the cockpit as long as she knows that she is not overstepping any boundaries. Orana would never place the completion of a mission over the sacrifice of her comrades, something that got her into several odd situations with the Rebellion High Command. [/center] [b][center]History[/b][/center] [center]Orona was born during the onset of the Clone Wars in 23 BBY on the planet of [url=http://starwars.wikia.com/wiki/Bestine_IV]Bestine[/url]. Being too young during the brutal campaigns of the Wars turned out to be a blessing for her - when she later studied them, she was horrified at their brutality. Growing up on one of the planets island Spires, she was not a long distance from spaceships. Most curiously, she was not interested in them in her young age - as soon as she started to develop her personality, one prevailed above others. The young girl desired to study bacta and ways to improve it at Thyferra. Despite this, she never missed any of the ships flying around or performing a landing on water near the shipyards on Bestine IV. As their older friends were leaving mostly to the Imperial Academy, she was not feeling attracted to the concept. The turning point in her life happened in 3 BBY, when the Galactic Empire greatly expanded the shipyards and displacing many families, her as well. Being frustrated with her inability to go to Thyfera because the Empire had a monopoly on bacta and allowed no outsiders to join the researches, she was forced to stay on Bestine IV. The growing oppression of the Empire and the harsh treatment of the local population during the displacing tipped several of her friends towards joining the Rebellion. While the idea was still only in the theoretical plain, the Empire struck down on the youth of Bestine IV - taking several prisoners whom were never seen again started tipping of Orana as well. Later that year, she and most of the misplaced Bestinians checked illegal HoloNet feeds on a regular basis - from there, they learned the truth about the cruel Imperial regime. In response to the Rebel Alliance acquiring the X-Wing in the Fresian Campaign during 1 BBY, a forceful expansion of the Bestinian shipyards was undertaken.The locals were forced to labor on the constructions - that is when her parents decided it was time to choose their side, and it was not the Empire. After lengthy arrangements and various contacts, they left when a Rebellion hit-and-run strike was performed. In truth, the action was for the rescuing of the locals from brutal laboring on the shipyards. There, Orana was greatly inspired with X-Wings flying escorts and fending off TIE Fighters, and she wanted to pilot one as well. Most people laughed this off - a girl who wanted to study bacta, with no previous experience with piloting who said she wants to pilot one of the best starfighters in the galaxy was really laughable. But she started to dedicate all of her time to study the craft in great detail - the technical parameters of the craft, its flight capabilities and missions flown by it. Her dedication and hard work left an impression at the rebel Pilot Trainig Center, and six months after her flight from Bestine she was undertaking her first simulated flights and missions - after a hard and sluggish start, she really learned how to fly the X-Wing and was in the upper half of the cadets, surprising many. After three more months of simulations, she was officially proclaimed as a Rebel Pilot. Her first missions were mostly patrol ones and escort missions in less threatened zones of the Galaxy. After three months of patrol missions and sporadic engagements that granted her a solid deal of experience, she was transferred to the Yavin IV base. She spent her beginnings as an X-Wing pilot far away from the defining events of the Rebellion - Operation: Skyhook and the Battle of Yavin. While present at Yavin, her lack of experience prevented her from joining the famed attack on the Death Star, something she took with great calm unlike most other pilots. After the battle, she undertook several missions during the Yavin Blockade and gained even more experience on how to fight the Imperial naval forces effectively. There, she started ti gain the respect of Rebel pilots, who slowly started to recognize her and respect her skills in a cockpit of a fighter despite her background. The evacuation of Yavin was a success but before she could caught up and rest, she was already in her next engagement - the ambush at Ison Corridor. Despite the superiority of the TIE Interceptors, she piloted her X-Wing throughout the entire encounter and witnessed Luke Skywalker´s skills personally. Recognizing her skills, she was assigned to the Renegade Squadron - the pilots there welcomed her with respect as a welcomed member of the space detachment of the Squadron. Before she could catch her breath, she was already in her next mission - the Battle of the Graveyard, a crucial task for the Rebellion´s survival. Her another great mission was the Battle of Kessel, that saw the brilliant strategist and tactician, Gial Ackbar rescued by the Rebel Alliance. From that point on, she was present at most important missions of Renegade Squadron, slowly building the reputation she has at the present days. She flew several missions from the Hoth Echo Base, to where Renegade Squadron relocated in late 1 ABY. After the disastrous battle at Hoth, the squadron protected several transports and only after each of them fled, Renegade Squadron followed suite. After the disaster at Hoth, she was transferred from Renegade Squadron to the Elrood Sector, where she flew her X-Wing in the campaign against Task Force Vengeance. The campaign ended in a draw - both the Empire and Rebellion suffered great losses, but they managed to destroy the Task Force that had a Super Star Destroyer at its disposal. After this campaign, she was granted a rest from her duties, since she was fighting without a pause for three and half years. After a brief rest, she returned to active duty for the greatest battle yet to come - the Showdown at Endor. She flew in the Red Squadron under the command of famed Rebel Pilot Wedge Antilles. She performed magnificently during the battle and despite not being picked for the run against the Death Star core, she earned significant praise from both Antilles and other notable figures. After the campaign, the Rebellion was more busy that ever before with continuing the fight against the Empire, which despite suffering a devastating blow, was still a threat at large. She flew several missions in 4 ABY following Endor, and in 5 ABY she participated in the Delvardus campaign against Imperial Warlord Delvardus. There, she achieved her most famous kill of her career - she is credited with the kill of Imperial Ace Shea Hublin. After the Delvardus campaign ended, she was handpicked into the Exaron theatre by the New Republic Command, due to her " outstanding achievements " in the several theaters she fought in. She awaits her new deployment with great anticipation and wants to do her best in the Exaron campaign as well.[/center]