Lydia laughed a little. "We have unresolved sexual tension, and that I have pretty eyes." She leaned back. "Oh. And that if you'd known how good I looked in a swimsuit, you'd have gotten in the jacuzzi all the time. It's pretty funny now. You were so genuine about it. It was kind of charming." She looked up at him. "... Why don't you get in here?" she leaned back a bit. "We can talk about whatever's bothering you about the matches today." "I'm worried they'll just laugh at me. We're kind of... honestly, we're unimportant to them, and they're just going to think I'm being a baby about it..." Willow breathed into the flower again, before letting it go and it bounced back and disappeared. He got to his feet slowly. "I... I just know I'm going to have nightmares about this..." he took a deep breath, finally calming himself down. He felt silly when he realized he'd never been introduced to this girl he was speaking to. "Thank you for talking to me. I feel better. I'll go talk to them in a bit, once I stop shaking. Oh. Yeah. By the way, hi. I'm Willow. We've never met. Metallica, right?"