[i]...Although, I don't mind a tsundere, but you'll have to try harder than that.[/i] His internal thought never missed a beat in their dialogue, even while Shirogane muttered "I had thought he might have a real handgun, but I wouldn't have been bothered even if it were real...." As Loveless he could be--at the same time--irresistibly charming and an intolerable douche. "No point in questioning it now. There's nothing we can do. If it would make you feel better, we could pray." He suggested with the same sort of flippancy that a non-believer might sarcastically suggest prayer. "Before that though, lend me your phone? I seem to have dropped mine..." Conveniently forgetting that the reason he didn't have his phone on him currently is entirely because of his recent mindfuck, while he held an open palm out toward Ikeda.