[b]The Hunt For Diana[/b] As Nadira followed close but behind the group she shuddered, dark and underground were not exactly her two favourite combinations. But then, being underground what more could she expect other than darkness. When the group came to the tunnels she listened to both the dwarf and Mathew had to say. [b]“I am inclined to go with the lesser known tunnel, however knowing my luck, we would probably find ourselves facing something worse than dragons or whoever created the trap. If we do not take that one, I’d go with the dragons.. at least we know what we are facing I guess, I'm not much help I know.. I don't do well in these situations”[/b] Nadira shrugged her shoulders and looked around, seeing if there were any clue to help them decide which path they should be taking.. Diana could have created the new tunnel herself.. or perhaps the trap. They had been told she wished to test them after all. [i][/i] After a few minutes of silence she sighed. [b]“Well? Anyone have anything useful to add?”[/b]