Eve wasn't so much cooperative as just agreeing with his idea's. As they were better than what she had planned. Heck, part of the time she didn't have any plans so just following his seemed easier. And hey, being someone's android wasn't so terrible. She got to fight and smoke, and if he really pissed her off she could still say no or do her own thing if that time came right? What she didn't realize was that a disposition to listen to her owner was also programmed into her. It wasn't anything forced though. Just the inclination to do so, so she wouldn't notice it herself. The explanation of the sky city was good enough for now. A bunch of rich people shutting themselves off from the world below completely sounded boring to be around anyway. The rest of the walk was mostly quiet. There was one guy that tried to do a run by from behind, to take some things out of the cart. But Eve quickly held out her arm just as he wanted to pass her, making him slam against the ground instead. "If you want to steal you should be less obvious about it..." Eve mumbled, not even really caring if the would be thief heard her. Once back at the apartment she only grabbed her boxes of cereal from the cart. She opened one, then grabbed two handfuls of corn-flakes and stuff them into her mouth. As she did so she raised a brow. The android had figured she didn't have taste buds, being completely synthetic and such. But she did taste something. A taste that made her tongue tingle a little bit, and made her want to eat more. Sugar was supposed to be sweet, so was this what 'sweet' tasted like? "Huh...I know I was supposed to be designed as realistically as possible, but...I never expected this much detail was even possible." She mused after the second handful of corn flakes. "Apparently I even have receptors on my tongue similar to taste buds. Though I'm not sure how accurate they are..." The weird part was that this kind of technology definitely didn't exist on the planet's surface. Heck, the same probably went for whatever her skin was made of.