[center][b]Here Cometh the Wolves[/b][/center] Laenaia listened to Bastian and Shria as they told her what they know about the doctor. They didn't have prior contact with him and all they knew were from his reputation and rumors, Although not as informative as she hoped, it was enough for her to at least assume the doctor took his job seriously and someone that Rexel deemed trustworthy enough to keep a secret. She said her gratitude to the two officers, noting that both of them looked more relaxed in the blazing street compared to when they were inside and that they were taking a roundabout path to avoid crowded areas. When she asked about it, they answered that they were avoiding trouble spots and some of the smaller factions in the city. Laenaia nodded to it, taking an indirect route would take less time to get to their destination than going straight and running into whatever trouble the local could cook in their head. At the very least, they got what the wished as they finished their grueling walk with no issue started. She covered her nose and mouth with a hand as she saw the woman and child lying on the bed and the smell of disease invaded her senses. She glanced at Shria and Bastian, still no James in her sight, when they expressed their distaste over the child. She frowned quizzically at them when Bastian decided to sit on the ground and refused to go inside. Shria hesitated before walking into the clinic while muttering what Laenaia think as the reason for their animosity. Giving one last look around to find James and failing to, Laenaia looked at Bastian before going in after Shria. "If you spot James, would kindly tell him to get inside?" she told him as she walked. Joining Shria inside, Laenaia looked around the room before Shria drew Laenaia's attention and asked. “The good doctor, he might be in the back room. Usually he is otherwise tending his patients or resting in here...He may have been brought a new victim. Should we wait or go check?” she appeared uncertain, her discomfort over being in charge showing. Laenaia stared at the Lizardfolk before smiling at her, "Oh no, let's not bother the good doctor if he's in the middle of a work, that would be rude. We should wait here until he is done with it." Finished with her line, the vampire moved towards the more shaded side of the coach and sat down. "Oh, if you don't mind me asking, can you tell me why the animosity against the gnomes?" she asked Shria.