Terranigma. One of the best SNES titles I've ever played. It's just a shame that it didn't get released in the states. Top down adventure with fun combat, wonderful soundtrack, and very, very powerful story. The boss fights... man. I have seen difficult stuff like that for a while. Freelancer, an incredible space shooter with tons of room for role playing. In fact, it was built on that premise mostly, with a modding community that takes events caused by roleplayers on one of the 24/7 RP servers to become canon in new updates. The universe continues growing, content continues being made, and the combat is actually really, really fun. Nier. Underrated gameplay and story, I loved the voice acting, and the soundtrack is goddamn magical in how powerful it is. The singer actually made up lyrics based on how she believed language would drift over thousands of years, and came up with some of the most hauntingly beautiful songs I've ever heard. It's a 360 title, so you can still find it out there somewhere.