Zarnex continued to lay on the bed and just thought. here is what is going on in his mind. "I wonder When the brief is happening. in fact where is it happening? maybe in the kitchen, yea the kitchen will be the perfect place to have it! they have cake and food and water, and cake, and some snacks and cake ,and maybe though's little mint things, and CAKE!.....nah what if someone was allergic to peanuts. Maybe outside yea theirs trees, and oceans, and trees, and other people, and trees, and i can kill though's little bastards that dare to even look at me much less throw a acorn at me. First ill bite their legs off, so they cant move. Then O THEN I'll shave them butt naked like me and carve there eyes out and turn them into marbles. Then ill take their tail yes their brown bushy tails that they wag so proudly ill tear it off and make a mustache out of it, YES A MUSTACHE HA HA HA HA HA.......then ill take their heads and go bowling with them. Hmmmmm maybe the briefing is in a bowling ally yea that where it totally is! (and so on and so forth)"