[i]"Besides, I had enough of Florence the first time I met him... I could really use an excuse to get out and about."[/i] -Alexandria Sumera Nabecaesar, Page 1. --- [b][center]Amazonia Imperiia[/center][/b] Mira and Elyssa both looked at the goblin, each with their own reaction. Mira with a cocked eyebrow and Elyssa with a slight blush of embarrassment. [b]"... Uh huh..."[/b] Mira mumbles as she looks to her [i]sister[/i] and pats her back. [b]"Don't worry, the scary little goblin man is still tiny. The rest of his kind's corpses told me more than enough on that."[/b] She grins mischievously and without remorse at Kraith. As Traxilus left the tent, Elyssa smiled a little, though the sight of the princess leaving her tent caused her to seemingly recoil a little. [b]"I still don't like her."[/b] She admits in a whisper to the group as Mira glares at her with a look of disapproval... Mira then looks at Traxilus' neck, and then at the satisfied look the queen's tent guard had, and she licks her lips. [b]"Rrrr..."[/b] She rolls her tongue in a provocative manner. [b]"...Someone had a little... Break..."[/b] She tries to word it in a way that wouldn't displease the foreigners, and yet, that suggestive smirk remained as she glanced over Ethyssa. Elyssa, then, had a turn at glaring at Mira with disapproval. It was at this point that the princess finally decided to approach the group. The sultry sway in her steps particularly caught Mira's interest, who stared like a hungry wolf. The princess, however, had little interest in Mira, and instead took a much greater interest in the party. [b]"Ah... The rest of the Queen's Guard. I sent your friend off to get us your queen away from that demon... I'm going to show you where my mother's soul is being kept."[/b] Elyssa opens her eyes widely at the news and stares in shock. [b]"You know, and you do not send me and other Shamans to free her?!"[/b] She exclaims in surprise and, surprisingly, anger. The princess looks back at her with apprehension and even a hint of regret. [b]"I didn't... Have a choice. If I sent half an army of Amazons to go free it, the Queen would be informed and she would have us all killed, one way or another... The demons are everywhere here, you should know that. Now quiet your tongue, the jungle watches, [i]feeble-blood[/i]!"[/b] Mira growls defensively, but Elyssa shakes her head at Mira and the growling stops. [b]"Fair enough..."[/b] The princess then looks at the rest of the group. [b]"If you have any questions, ask me now. I kept this area deserted intentionally to try and leave us as much free space to talk."[/b] The queen's tent guard looks at the princess and nods with loyalty. It seems her loyalties were clear enough. [b]"Ironically, the bumbling idiocy if your large, oafish friend and his aristocratic compatriot earlier made for a wondrous distraction so we could have this conversation... But hurry. It will not take long for your Queen to join us."[/b]