Amani saw Nate snicker next to Superboy and as much as she wanted to throw the dishcloth at him his laugh was annoyingly infectious. It resulted in a half hearted throw which Nate could easily dodge, especially with his speed. "That's not funny you now, he could really be hurt for all I knew" She said laughingly which made it so much less convincing. She wasn't really angry or upset. It took a lot to make her mad and she didn't believe Nate had it in him to do that to her. [i]So........what next?[/i] She thought, looking at the stack of pancakes which was growing smaller steadily. Thank God they liked them, it would be really awkward if both plates were left over. Amani smiled listening to Nate who was talking to Superboy about being a team. They were a team and she was really happy about that. A team looked out for each other, had fun together and shared good times as well as the bad. Almost like a family did and as much as she wanted to get a life of her own away from her family, she was still going to miss them. Maybe not right away but eventually she would get homesick. It happened every time she went somewhere by herself for a time, which wasn´t all that often. Being part of a team would definitely help to make her less homesick. " Plus the girls man. They're awesome." Well Nate was right about that, female superheroes were awesome and unfortunately not equal in numbers to the guys. It was just like the Justice League, too many guys. Though she was pretty sure Nate meant a different sort of awesome. Two could play at that game. Besides a whole team of cute guys was definitely fun to be around. "You are spot on" Amani said with a giggle flipping her hair over shoulder and batting her lashes dramatically. "Where would the team be without some girl power" "Besides, the guys are pretty cute too" She winked at Ember, of course it was all for a good laugh.