Void Wolf looked at everyone, he was very much unaccustomed to things like this, it made him feel strange. He began to ponder what it was he was doing here in the first place, in an area he felt like he didn't belong in. He put a hand on his temple as his mother's dormant memories rose to the surface, the night she was dragged away to the forest. He grit his teeth in what seemed like agony, his long, sharp upper and lower canine teeth would have been showing if it hadn't been for his mask. A low hushed growl emitted from him, the memory was too much for his mind to bear, he couldn't help but be angry. [i]Why couldn't I have saved you mother? Why was I so young and foolish to realize what was happening to you?[/i] The thoughts went on and on, eventually the nightmarish moment had ceased. He quickly left to find the training area, maybe training could take his mind off of things.