Hector slowly made his way into town, letting a sigh out as he did. It had been a long time for him since he was here last. its been about a year since he even been here... or talked to Beatrix for that matter. He was surprised that he heard she was starting a guild now a few months ago, although it seemed to fit her personality she always was a motherly type and being a guild master would only make that stronger for those under her care. He was distracted for a moment when he heard a groan from the man he was carrying from his belt in his left hand. Hector almost forgot about the man, who was an average size of a man but compared to Hector, he looked tiny. Hector was 5'10'' and was built like a bear. from all the hard training and rough jobs he took in the last 20 years. "L-l-l-look man just let me go please? i cant go back to prison. ill pay you!" the scrawny man begged. At which Hector shook his head with out looking down at the man, who then started to struggle at which Hector gave a swift kick to the head and knocked him out with out losing a stride. It was not long before he came to the bounty office and dropped the man on the ground like a sack of potatoes. the clerk looked at the man to see who it was and was wide eyed taking a few steps back looking at Hector and the man multiple times in shock. "You captured this man by yourself?" Hector replied, "Yeah..." simply as the man expected more. "But..."the man though for a moment he was going to explain that this man murdered many people including the ten prison guards that tried to stop him. but one look at Hector made him remember of course there were more powerful wizards out there why question it? It wasn't that though that made him shut up, it was the fact that he recognized the Frozen Fang finally. At which he quickly gave him the reward money of 100,000 Jewels, At which Hector turned around and left with out a word. After he exited the office he looked around the town for a bit. He was now ready to see Beatrix, but where was her new guild at? He then heard a few people talking about the Azure Dragon, obviously they were talking about how weak it was compared to some other guild. And that they don't have any strong wizards over there. which he doubted, Beatrix always happened upon strong Wizards...as if she attracted them, course beginning out though it was normal for a guild this new to be weak and unpopular because it had no known Wizards, and despite how powerful Beatrix was no one would guess it over her dainty looks. Moving over to the two speaking he asked, "Where can I find the Azure Dragon guild hall?" The two men looked a him and wide eyed said, "Down that street and turn left at the 3rd intersection. You cant Miss it. " He nodded and turned to leave only to hear them whisper, "Thats Hector the Frozen Fang! Is he going to Join that Guild?""If he is Forget what I said about it..." It only took him a few minutes to find himself in front of the guild hall. He smirked as he move to enter the hall. As he entered he stoppped in the door way to look around, It was a simple hall but it wsa cozy, despitw the sound of hammers and saws at the moment. His cloak blew to the side as the wind from outside caught it, He could see a people staring at him as he blocked the sunlight from the door which only darkened his figure, He finally caught sight of Beatrix, and she looked exactly as beautiful as the first time they met. He made his way over to her slowly, people moved to clear hiss path when they saw him. until he came to a stop in front of the woman. he towered over her, their eyes met and he smiled "Lovely as ever Beatrix. Its been a while. You still raising that Kid Orin?"