Lydia shook her head, scowling. "I have no fucking idea what's going on... I don't think we're under attack... These things might have tried to molest me but I'm not sure there's any intent... Where the hell is Willow? Did this thing get him?" She tugged her top down, suddenly awkward about it. "These vines locked me out of my closet... I swear if this is someone's idea of a joke, I'm going to kill someone. This is so stupidly embarrassing..." she looked at Dillon's room. "Why the hell are YOU so lucky that you don't have any vines molesting you while you sleep?" She stormed off down the hallway, heading towards where where the vines seemed to be coming from. They all seemed to be coming from the same room, and Lydia peered in. "I think this is where it's coming from?" she yanked at the door and ripped it off the hinges. The room was knee deep in vines covering everything, and all the vines seemed to becoming from a deeply asleep Willow, who was drenched in sweat and whimpering. Lydia stormed in but the vines rose up and stopped her from entering. "Oof! WILLOW!" she yelled through the door. "WILLOW GET YOUR STUPID ASS UP. I AM BASICALLY NAKED IN THE HALL!" She pounded her fists against the vines. "URGH." She looked over at Adrian. "Adrian, you have swords, cut these things down."