Having a general fondness of bears, specifically Sukoh, he didn't have much of a choice but to fight said "evil one". Also because he had a massive hard-on for being the hero-archetype, but he wouldn't admit that. He gave his massive fluffy friend a nod, and tried another attempt at speaking his bear language. It didn't go well. In preparation for the fight, (and as if to say that shit was about to go down) he rolled up his sleeves, and drew out his incredibly shiny plasma hilt out of the pocket of his hoodie. Realizing his terribly overpowered backpack isn't anywhere within his view, he realizes he has to just depend on his own strength, and cunning. He had strength, at least. The street light exploded is what set him off, as he yelled out in a panic, his hilt flickering into an axe as he swings around wildly. It takes him a second, but he directs his attention to what he presumes to be the "Evil One" his friend had told him about. Well aware his bear friend was strong, he was injured, so he stepped in front of Sukoh, his axe held out in front of the two of them. "Uuhh..I'm not even sure if you speak English, in that case, I'm kinda just yelling at nobody! Uhm..Step back, I guess! And apologize to my bear friend!" He was at this point, spitting out the last couple of lines, the whole slowly walking thing intimidated the fuck out of him. Although this person in front of him was clearly evil, and most likely going to maim his body in several ways, he did not make the first leap, and just kind of waved his weapon up and down.