Drag was a great friend, visibly shaken from the visage of the glowing man before them he was still ready to fight at the great bear's side. If he had the ability to he would have smile at this gesture. Even more astounding was the he put himself between Sukoh and Fury, was Drag really trying to defend the bear? The guy's foolish but he sure has heart. All that matters, really. Haphazardly he waved around his energy weapon, a neat blade that Sukoh had seen a few times before. It always singed his fur when he was nearby it though, leaving a bad smell in his nose. Though that was not an issue right now as it wasn't the worst smell in the air. No, that title belongs to Fury. The fireen was closing in on them and there was not much that either could do to defeat him. At least, that's how Sukoh saw it. A slight burning in his cheek reminded him of how easily he was cut by an attack by the inhuman monster. Drag was certainly tough, able to take quite a lot. But Sukoh had never seen him fight before, nothing like this at least. He growled in frustration, the hairs began to rise all over his body. The bear's lips parted and peeled back to reveal teeth that are almost as long as a human forearm, Sukoh could not let this monster hurt Drag. Not his friend! Throwing caution to the wind he lurched forward over Drag's head, making sure to not step on him or accidentally knock him over. Sukoh's mouth tore apart to let out a deafeningly loud roar, throwing saliva into the air about him. In his tongue he belted out language that would make a sailor blush. Fury was about to have the bad end of an apex predator pointed at him.