Vi was tinkering and calibrating the wiring of her left gauntlet when the man knocked the door of her garage for the fifth time. Frustrated, she placed her tools on the table next to her and quickly walked to the door, opening it; [b]“Which of the words [i]‘In a minute’[/i] don’t you understand?”[/b] she asked him angrily but calmed down when she saw it was one of the couriers working for The Paradigm. The man was fairly tall and well built and he was wearing the normal Paradigm uniform with the factions crest on his chest. They regularly supplied her with metal and parts she needed for her line of work. [b]“I thought i specifically asked that you notified me before any deliveries were made.”[/b] She looked at her gauntlet and back at him and sighed. [b]“Anyway, leave the package there next to the other boxes and I’ll get to it later”[/b] she said. Alone again after the man left, she picked up her screwdriver and tried to get back to work but quickly gave up, her concentration having been ruined. [b]“I better take a break or I will end up breaking something”[/b] she told herself. Vi opened her garage door, taking a deep breath of fresh air in.