Vark would be in bed, dotting something in his journal. When it gets closer to midnight he would put it away and head to bed. Quickly falling asleep. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Parasite looks around the ship, quickly seeing every detail of it. "Complex yet simple, fine ship. Must evaluate it further to find capabilities and power. Might use such capabilities for research and progress." He quickly says that and heads off to find the bridge, looking at everything along the way and making a mental map in his head about the layout of the ship. Making quick notes about structure, flaws that can be evaluted and fixed, locations of areas, and other small things here and there. He has a small pack on his back and a black suitcase that looks reinforced for some reason. He actually takes some time to look around but gets to the bridge faster then some would expect him to be. He looks around for the person in charge and salute them as if he was in the military himself and quickly says, "Parasite reporting for duty. Ready and willing to support the cause."