Lydia hacked at the vines that came out from the bottom of the door, angrily wondering what was going on. She grunted and panted. "What the fuck, Willow?" She said, annoyed. "Why is he doing this?" Finally Adrian managed to hack through and Lydia ran and jumped into it, landing on her knees. "I feel like I'm in a den of snakes!" Lydia shuddered, but she ran over to Willow who was sleeping in the center, shuddering and sweating in fear. Lydia punched him in the face and he awoke with a start, the vines beginning to retreat towards his body, the ones that weren't cut crawling back onto themselves. He sat up, taking deep breaths, the sweat shining on his skin. "I... I'm sorry." He murmured. "I... I was having a bad dream..." the vines crawled back and receded against him, eventually disappearing, all but the ones they'd cut. "A bad dream? Don't be such a little bitch." Lydia said angry. "I just ran across the house almost naked because you were having a little nightmare?" "I... it was about the villain matches..." he pulled his phone out. "I... it was about..." he hesitated, before staring at his phone. "Her... her photo's gone." He choked back a sob. "I didn't delete it. I didn't delete it." He threw his phone, and curled up in a ball. "Willow, what the fuck are you saying?" Lydia scowled. "Stop talking nonsense. Man up." Lydia suddenly gasped as Willow's vines suddenly slammed into her, slamming her into the wall. "You never listen to me!" Willow was clearly upset and out of control. The wall began cracking. "I swear to god, she came here! She came here last night, I," he choked. "I don't even know what you're talking about." Steelia muttered, writhing under the vines. "Who did?"