[center][b]Carnival of Chaos - Aneura Shivan[/b][/center] She didn't have much, but what she [i]did[/i] would have to suffice; Aneura ripped a portion of the cloth hanging at her hips from underneath the plate armor, shaping it as best she could into a rectangular strip. Encircling her leg with it, she tightly bound the wound with what little depth the cloth had to it. It stopped a significant amount of the bleeding, but she knew that, eventually, it would seep beyond the bandage and she'd need true medical attention. Aneura lifted herself up from the prone position and into a weakened stance. Her gait was stumbling, but she managed to move nevertheless. Shield and spear in hand, she proceeded forward, looking for some sort of exit. It seemed as though the guillotines had since disappeared, or rather were no longer a factor in her location, and so she moved on with a tad slighter haste than when she was weaving around swinging blades. The storage room must have an exit, she thought, and so she staggered about in a single direction, following her gut instincts as to which way was most likely to get her out. Most buildings, she thought, followed at least somewhat f a common design pattern, unless one was purposefully designing an establishment with confusion and labyrinthine ideas in mind. At the time, it seemed as though she was no longer partaking in an illusory [i]gauntlet[/i], and so she held little worry that logic would fail her here. Aneura had little knowledge of the time that had passed, and so with gritted teeth and a steely resolve, she picked up the pace despite the pain she received at every step. The children were counting on her, and she wasn't dead just yet.