[b]Name:[/b] Durendal (Sylvus Iver) [b]Creature/Race:[/b] Sword Spirit [hider=I just made this up]Its a living, talking sword that projects a humanoid figure to wield itself. The figure is an illusion and can't be killed, but if the sword is knocked out of the figure's hands, it'll be sucked back into the sword. Then, the sword left behind can be used as a special weapon until it musters enough strength to create another figure and decides if it wants to be a person again.[/hider] [b]Appearance:[/b] [hider=Durendal][img=http://safebooru.org//samples/1112/sample_43c48a1992266a746c0584ecf05015521397b154.jpg?1155842][/hider] [b]Backstory:[/b] Durendal was once known as the boy named Sylvus Iver. As a child, he dreamed of a world far more exciting than the corrupt, money-ruled place he lived in; a world where dragons cut through the sky with majestic wings. Though that soon faded away like any other childhood dream, it began to resurface once he saw the opportunity to go to a whole new dimension. Without telling anyone, he eagerly jumped through the Deadzone portal, leaving his old life in America and turning into what he is now. He wasn't exactly excited to be turned into an immortal sword-person, but hey, it's something. [b]Other:[/b] Whether Durendal is used as a weapon or as a figure, he enhances the user's reflexes and speed, and is capable of firing off vacuum waves. [s]I'll finish this tomorrow or something.[/s] lol