Adrian leaned against the wall as he watched Willow attempt to explain what had happened. Dillon stood a ways back, but still inside the room. [i]"He did all this because of a bad dream? I have to wonder what he'll do in an actual fight. He had a nightmare about the junior matches? Tsk. The kid is afraid of his own damn shadow."[/I] [i]"So it was about her!"[/i] thought Dillon. [i]"Oh, Willow. We should've told them sooner, maybe then you wouldn't be like this... She came here?"[/i] Something within Dillon stirred, something that made her sick to know such a monstrous beast might've gotten into the mansion somehow. Just then, Willow assaulted Lydia and Adrian's sword was lifted and he swung it again in a flash. He cut down the vine constricting Lydia to the wall. Adrian's eyes then slid over to Willow, and the swords honed in on him like missiles, ready to be fired. "Wrong move, kid." "No!" Dillon called out as she attempted to stop Adrian. "He's just frustrated! And scared!"