Willow stopped moving before turning his head to stare at Adrian, shaking. "If she came here, if she can do this... go ahead and kill me. I'd rather be stabbed. I don't want to be killed by her." "Adrian, it's okay," Lydia rubbed at her throat. "I've known Willow for years... he'd never act like this without a reason. Willow, what's wrong with you?" She brushed some hair out of her face. She looked down at herself. "Willow, calm yourself down. I'm gonna get dressed. Once you're calm, I want to know all about whoever you're talking about... because if they're making you want to die and freak out..." Willow let out a small choking sob. "I don't know, I don't remember..." he shook his head. "I had a picture of one of the junior villains, she... I don't know why I took it. I don't remember her name. It's all gone. She must have come somehow and taken it. My picture is gone and her name is missing from my data but I know... I didn't make her up." "So someone, a junior villain, came into your room last night, and deleted a picture off your phone?" Lydia raised an eyebrow. "How, Willow? No doors were opened. No one came in. Your window's sealed... your door was locked." "... I don't know." Willow said, miserably. "I don't remember."