Adrian shook his head disapprovingly, "Regardless, if you can't control your powers even in your sleep, how can I trust you to do so on a battlefield?" "Adrian, give him a chance, he's just really freaked out. We didn't see what he saw," Dillon said as she walked over to the phone and picked it up. "He's right. Void's picture is gone." "I gave him a chance simply by staying in the same house as him, but then his vines infiltrated my room, constricted me, and then he hurled Lydia across the room. The exit exam is far worse than any of the matches, but if he can't handle a dream, then why should I expect I trust him as an ally when things are real?" Adrian turned to the door before looking over his shoulder and saying, "Get a grip, kid. It's time to man up." "Adrian..." Dillon said, and for the first time Adrian heard a hint of anger in her voice. "Don't you think we should be more focused on the fact that a lunatic just snuck into the secured mansion we're staying in?" "Yeah, we should. I'll see if Benjamin knows anything he isn't telling us," that's when Adrian remembered how sketchy it was that Benjamin invited them to his house. [i]"But why would a junior villain sneak into a manion just to delete a picture? Well, maybe there's something else around here we're missing..."[/i] Adrian then proceeded to make his way to Benjamin's room.