[b]First Blow - D.H.[/b] D.H. Watched as the Gargoyle moved, letting his power reach it's limit as he focused solely on his mark; the small crack in it's shell. He noticed the wound, and that he could make little use of it. He would need to use the crack if he intended to finish this. With a slow exhale of breath, his vision narrowed, time seeming to slow as his mind and body became attuned to his purpose. He took careful aim as the creature began to lift off, inhaling a deep breath, steadying his aim, anticipating the large creatures flight path as it gained in height. Then, he let loose both bolts, one disappearing almost immediately, using it's connection through the shadows engulfing it to shadow jump to the opposite side of the gargoyle, mirroring the other bolt's flight path exactly. As the bolt that flew a straight path from it's crossbow got closer, a tiny tendril of shadow energy shot out, trying to slither into the small crack, moving quickly to do so, followed by four larger tendrils, that attempted to wrap the gargoyle, trying to smother it's wings and arms...and strangely seemed unaffected by the magical shell, due to their physical form. This became accompanied by a surge of air as D.H. used the built up energy to create a vacuum for a split second, speeding up the bolts, as no air resistance was present, and to stall the gargoyles climb, before the air rushed back in with explosive force, pushing the bolts and slamming into the gargoyle. Were the bolts to make contact, they would cause an explosion from the unstable shadow energy, fueled by the compression of air around them, from the surge. Though, due to his immense focus, D.H. lost all sense towards anything but his target, and even then, the stress from using even the basic spells he used, in such symbiosis wore him out, and completely drained him of magical energy, though leaving him physically intact. As the attack finished, D.H. slowly began to gain his senses back, shaking his head as to clear it, then stepping back and then away as he suddenly became aware of a holy presence, eyes widening as he draws away, looking from the Gargoyle, and then to the place the aura was coming from. Being a Demon, he had little care for Holy beings, and their presence was like fire.