She rather roughly stamped Measha's arm, the seal appearing onto his skin and showing his allegiance with the guild. "Well, you may have to wait for the others to get back. They basically took all the jobs, but I do have some..." The guild master stopped for a moment as she noticed something moving across the crowd. Beatrix slowly raised her head as she noticed the large man moving over towards her, and when she noticed it was Hector a small smile crossed her face before she leaned back down. "Ent you lovely. Also sure, the kid is as big, if not bigger than you by now. Seems like I know how to raise real men eh? I saw to you growing up too." She smirked. - He always loved her smile. When she commented back he smiled even more and let a Chuckle out. A rare thing for him. "Yeah I know. You teach us right. Though that was a long time ago. " he leaned on the table between them and said "nice place you got here. Any room for an old man like me?" - "Hah. Well, we are looking for members right now, heck even this kid at the bar just joined... Are you sure you can keep up with them?" She said, trying to pretend like she was not paying attention. "Are you sure your little dragon lady wont get jalous you are hanging out with a old lady like me?" - He glanced at the kid she mentioned and smirked.. "Obviously you jest Beatrix ... This pup can't keep up with me if he tried . I may be old but I'm not decrepid!" He stood up straight and folded his arms at her next comment . " No if she was she would have already eaten you in the last twenty years. He raised his eyebrow and asked. "I'm perfect for this guild... I would say I'm honored." He smiled as he puffed up his chest. " if I didn't know better I would say you named this guild after me. I always knew I was your favorite" he winked and chuckled at it. He knew it was probably by some other reason the guild was named Azure dragon - "Don't be cocky. I named it after your mother." She mentioned offhandedly, as if knowing a dragon was no big deal to her, more so the legends that they were now surrounded in. "Besides she is too much of a shy'n to even try and nibble at me let alone eat me hahah."